This is a story about one man, one country and one time.
Petar Peca Popovic is one of the greatest, most famous, most authoritative and for shure, the best, connoisseur of Rock and Roll in the former Yugoslavia. He promoted Rock and Roll in those heroic times.
We are going on a peculiar kind of trip with Popovic, along an “emotional homeland“, of ex-Yu, “searching for the lost times“ and dear friends, the most significant representatives of this culture. Our aim is not to tell the ultimate Rock and Roll truth, but to answer this question : whether the downfall of Yugoslavia made Rock and Roll less important? Nowdays, there are no new big authors, no new genious songwriters, but there are a bunch of marginalized girls in Serbia that declare themselves for divas. In the situation of “diva inflation“ who needs Rock and Roll?
Petar B. Popovic – Peca writes self-poetic history of a global phenomenon, supported by precise factography and lucid conclusions of the participants and witnesses, placing it in a much wider, social, ideological, national and cultural context, by interweaving facts, those experienced and those imaginative.